For decades Special Order Hermès or HSS bags have sat on a mystified cloud for many collectors. Only offered to a certain level of client, who’s tastes will dictate the order, each one could be unique. The initial release of the Mini Kelly II was met with sensational demand that has not waned in the years since. Hermès has kept production of these coveted 20cm Sellier Kelly's extremely limited, releasing small batches in a range of colors that seem to change each season. This very rare Store Fresh example is rendered in two colors, Blue Electric and Black interior in Epsom leather, very understated and special.
Condition: Store Fresh
Collection: 2021, Z
Material: Epsom Leather
Hardware: Palladium
20cm: 20 x 16 x 10cm - 7.8” x 6.3" x 4"
Color: Blue Electric and Black
Pictured accessories and additional straps are available separately